Rookie mistakes every freelance website developer makes

January 05, 2021 00:12:54
Rookie mistakes every freelance website developer makes
WebDev Success
Rookie mistakes every freelance website developer makes

Jan 05 2021 | 00:12:54


Show Notes

One of my coaching clients showed up with a list of questions to go over during our coaching session. I could tell from her list that we had moved past the practical nuts and bolts of building a website for a customer. She wanted to know about the inside operation and growth of her website development business.

“What if I’m not good at making a website look nice? You know…the design part?”

“How do you get people to pay you thousands of dollars for a website when they can get one for a few hundred dollars from Fiverr?”

“How can I get someone to trust me with a large project when my portfolio is wimpy?”

I recognized exactly what she was talking about because early in my website development career, I struggled with the same things. (more…)

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